“She couldn’t be in a better place – it’s like a weight has been lifted” – Ken’s story

For Ken, making the decision to move Grace, his wife of 66 years, into a care home was one of the hardest he’s ever had to make. He explains why he couldn’t be more content that he’s made the right choice.
Ken admits he was “worried sick” about moving Grace into a home, because of preconceived ideas he had about what it might be like. After reading reviews from residents’ loved ones for Rowanweald Residential and Nursing Home in Harrow Weald, then visiting in person he was “over the moon”. Grace moved in several weeks ago, giving Ken peace of mind that she’s safe and exceptionally well cared for.
“She couldn’t be in a better place,” adds Ken, who is 87 years old. “Nothing is too much trouble. The home manager Nabela is lovely and you can talk to her about anything which is so important.
“It’s a massive relief and I would recommend Rowanweald to absolutely anybody. Before Grace went in, I was so worried and now that worry has gone completely.
“It’s something you can’t describe – it’s like a weight has been lifted off me. I’m not her carer now, I can visit and hold her hand. And her room is beautiful - it’s just been refurbished.”
Caring for Grace, who lives with dementia, at home for several years had been both physically and mentally demanding for Ken. He was constantly on edge she might fall and he couldn’t go out. He explains: “I was scared to leave her.
“The amount of stress I was under must have been enormous – now she’s at Rowanweald I’m beginning to eat again and have put on some weight. It was a massive decision and I didn’t want to make it, but if she hadn’t gone to Rowanweald I think I would have needed carers in 24 hours a day as I just hadn’t got the strength anymore.
“Sometimes it can be heart-breaking having to leave her, but Nabela [the home’s manager] will take me into her office, calms me and I come away feeling content.
“It’s a massive relief to be able to go out and not think ‘is she safe at home?’. The home is top class and I couldn’t wish for anything better.”
For more about life at Rowanweald, or any of our other care homes in London, or if you are in a similar position to Ken and simply want to talk through care options, our Enquiry Support Team are here to talk on 0800 917 0478.