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Looking for a care home
0800 917 0478
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Looking for a care home
0800 917 0478

Nursing care

The devoted teams in our nursing homes provide truly person-centred care around-the-clock for our residents living with long-term medical conditions and disabilities, with teams of highly trained nurses.

In our nursing homes, our residents receive truly person-centred nursing care, tailored to their often very complex, individual needs, which is delivered with compassion and kindness.

They embrace the balance between high-quality nursing care and an environment which remains homely and comforting, supporting our residents to feel as relaxed and at ease as possible.

Our nursing homes’ teams - enriching lives

Our teams are not only dedicated to meeting our residents’ nursing care needs, but also their social, spiritual and emotional needs. We have activities staff who are devoted to providing engaging, person-centred activities and experiences, which truly enrich our residents’ lives.

On hand throughout the day and night, our highly trained teams support residents with long-term medical needs and provide the emotional support needed to help them regain their confidence and be as active as they can be. We are enormously proud of our aspiring nursing assistants, called nursing associates, who work side-by-side with our highly trained nurses.

We appreciate that for many of the residents in our nursing homes, their conditions mean they rely solely on us to support them with things many people take for granted such as personal care, taking medication and at mealtimes.

Our teams pride themselves on delivering care with compassion and treating every resident with the utmost dignity and respect.

A male resident sat in a comfortable yellow arm chair with a member of staff smiling with him and comforting him

What can I expect inside nursing homes?

At Sanctuary Care we pride ourselves on providing nursing care in homes which feel like just that, home. They are our residents’ homes and as such are specially designed to be a comfortable as possible. There are bedrooms personalised to make them truly feel like home and comfortable lounges to relax and enjoy the companionship of fellow residents, or take part in activities. In our dining rooms the tables are laid for residents to enjoy delicious home-cooked cuisine, with freshly-baked treats every day for afternoon tea. And many of our nursing homes have special areas like hair and beauty salons and beautiful wheelchair accessible gardens.

A female resident laughing with a member of staff

We also have features which enable us to deliver care to residents with a variety of nursing care needs, such as profile beds and hoists to support residents to be comfortable, whilst maintaining as much independence as possible.

Family and friends can relax with the peace of mind of knowing that their loved ones are safe and getting the support they need, with all the comforts of home.

Many of our nursing homes also provide residential and dementia care, making them ‘homes for life’. It enables residents to remain in our care homes with nursing, even if their needs evolve over time. In many cases it also means couples are able to live in the same home – even if they have different care and support needs.

Are there UK nursing homes near me?

We have care homes with nursing across England and Scotland, so please take the time to look at our map or complete our enquiry form below. Alternatively, our Enquiry Support Team are here to talk on 0800 917 0478.

Map showing all Sanctuary Care Homes across England and Scotland

Find Nursing Homes near you

We offer nursing care services in various locations throughout England and Scotland.

View our nursing care services


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